Old Generation

unifiedphoto ha aggiunto una foto al pool:

Old Generation

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It was too cool to stand before the original Edison electric generators which fueled the industrial and electronic revolution! In contrast, the guide mentioned a small portable generator today can run circles around these beastly sized machines. The room was very dark but fortunately Henry Ford museum is photo friendly and permits tripods in and outside all of the exhibits so I was able to capture a long exposure HDR composite. On the processing side, I used Adobe CS5 to render and tune the HDR image. I encountered some nasty Chromatic Aberration aka nasty red / green hue on edges. I’ve come up with a simple and easy to totally remove the issue that I shared in this blog post.

Photo 139 of 365 photo project.

Canon 7D
Canon 10-22mm @10mm
ISO 200, f/16
3 Image HDR

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