St, Joseph’s Church

jbdenham ha aggiunto una foto al pool:

St, Joseph's Church

It’s so easy to focus on the bridges and river when you travel to Prescott to take pictures – they are rather luring. Looking East and a bit South from the bridge, you can see the two domes of St. Joseph’s Church, but you almost have to be looking for them, especially in the summer time when the trees are totally leafed out. When you do spot them, however, they are very intriguing.

A couple of nights ago I traveled to Prescott and did not notice the church until well after sundown, but made a mental note to come back and focus mainly on the church and nothing else. That was the case tonight.

The church was quite stunning up close and there was much to see as you walked around the building, and the overcast sky really accented the frame. From this angle, you can see the land run away from you at the end of the street, reflecting the location of the church on top of the river bluff, looking down over the busy part of the town. There was even a touch of sunlight left in the western sky.

A 3 exposure HDR having f8.0 aperture, ISO100, and a focal length of 18mm.

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