Palace of Fine Arts

ryelk ha aggiunto una foto al pool:

Palace of Fine Arts

Probably one of the most photogenic structures in SF, the Palace of Fine Arts next to the Exploratorium Museum.

Tripod-mounted 5 exposure shot (-2.6, -1.3, 0, 1.3, 2.6 EV)

Pentax K-7, 18-55mm DA lens set at 18mm

Processed in Photomatix Pro 3.2

Post-Processed in Photoshop CS4:
1 masked layer Levels
1 masked layer Curves
1 masked layer Brightness
2 masked layers Hue/Saturation on Blue and Green channels
Nik Color Efex Pro 3.2 (Brilliance/Warmth, Pro Contrast, Sun Reflections)
Nik Sharpener Pro 3.0

Final tweaks in Lightroom 2.6:

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