"The trouble with our age is that it is all signposts and no destination."

Dave DiCello ha aggiunto una foto al pool:

"The trouble with our age is that it is all signposts and no destination."

~The War Cry

This is from about a month and a half ago on a walk I did through downtown Pittsburgh. Like my shot a few uploads ago, the flare got diffused by the clouds, and I was trying to get the signs in the shot as well, and this was the best I could do without a wide angle!

This is another reason that I love HDR…it would be impossible to get the building that well exposed as well as the blue of the sky without it!

I hope you all enjoy your weekends, and GO USA!!!!

I don’t mind invitations, but please no big, shiny, flashing, glitter graphics, they will be deleted. Also, please contact me if you would like to use my pictures for any reason, as all rights are reserved. Thanks!

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