Church of the Carmelites – Main altar

Frans Harren ha aggiunto una foto al pool:

Church of the Carmelites - Main altar

Church of the Carmelites

Its construction started in 1616 and was completed in 1628. The interior decoration would only be ready in 1650.

The facade of granite stone, has three entrances with round arches, topped by an equal number of niches, with statues of St. Joseph, St. Teresa and Our Lady of Mount Carmel in the center. The upper body contains three large windows, the central rectangle and the two lateral trapezoid-shaped rectangular shape. The facade is topped by a triangular stanchions.

It has a bell tower on the left, covered with tiles of monochromatic blue, topped by a dome-shaped bulb.

The interior of the Church of the Carmelites is the Latin Cross plan with a single nave with six side chapels and a narthex at the entrance. The side chapels and the main altar are gilded, baroque and rococo. The design of the main altarpiece authored by Joachim Teixeira Guimaraes and madevy José Teixeira Guimarães.

Church of the Carmelites

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