Milky Way over Santa Cruz

PeterThoeny ha aggiunto una foto al pool:

Milky Way over Santa Cruz

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Earlier this week I went high up in the Los Gatos Hills near Loma Prieta mountain in search for a good spot to watch the Perseid Meteor showers. The spot I found is dark and away from city lights at a higher elevation of 3000 feet, good to watch the meteors. I took this shot facing South to test the sky; the Milky Way is clearly visible, framed by the California coast and the lights of Santa Cruz.

I processed a balanced HDR photo from a RAW exposure, and carefully pulled the curves for a brighter exposure.

— © Peter Thoeny, CC BY-NC-SA 4.0, HDR, 1 RAW exposure, NEX-6, _DSC1534_hdr1bal1e

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