Create Silence – the Royal Palace, Madrid

sadaiche (Peter Franc) ha aggiunto una foto al pool:

Create Silence - the Royal Palace, Madrid

I read an interesting post by Chase Jarvis about creativity. He asked the community at large to finish the sentence "I’d be more creative if ….". I also watched the movie Perfume last night, in which one character asked to be left alone – he needed silence to learn how to create.

For me, silence is the best mechanism. Not silence in terms of sound, but the silence of the mind which in turns, creates a loud heart. One which yells with passion, creating an inspiring space because it’s doing what it needs.

It’s important to apply silence to our loud lives.

On the off-chance that people still leave comments on my photos – what do you think? Finish the sentence "I’d be more creative if…."

&size=large”>large on black
(hello ladies!).

ISO100, 17mm, ƒ4, 1/500sec, 6 exposures

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