Gothic HDR

pch22182 ha aggiunto una foto al pool:

Gothic HDR

This is my first real attempt at HDR -advice appreciated!

The subject is a rear view of a family mausoleum in Rock Creek Cemetary, Washington, DC. This 86-acre cemetery is the oldest cemetary in Washington. The original glebe–or land donation–of 100 acres was made to St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in 1719 by John Bradford, a Maryland farmer and member of the parish’s vestry.

Among the notables buried here are Alice Warfield Allen (mother of the Duchess of Windsor), Melville Bell (father of Alexander Graham Bell), Charles Corby (the inventor of the baking technology that produced "Wonder Bread"), Julius Garfinkel (founder of Garfinckel’s Department Store), Gilbert H. Grosvenor (Chairman, National Geographic Society), Alice Roosevelt Longworth (daughter of President Theodore and First Lady Alice Hathaway Lee Roosevelt), Upton Sinclair (author and Pulitzer Prize winner), and Sumner Welles (Undersecretary of State for FDR), among others.

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