Portal to House of Prayer

visualideas ha aggiunto una foto al pool:

Portal to House of Prayer

I find it interesting to introduce a lot of colors in church photography. Of course, I’m generally a sucker for vivid colors, but they give me a surreal feeling when applied to churches. Most of these buildings are made for doom-and-gloom, architecturally, decoratively and philosophically. You almost feel the need to smile in defiance, or even – God forbid, pun intended – think about something funny and laugh to yourself. I guess I have a love-hate relationship to churches. I like them in terms of architecture, but the ideas behind them make me crinch. I’m not a good Christian, no Sir!

I know the table to the left is intrusive. I can’t edit it out of the shot, and I don’t think I’d be allowed to refurniture a church. You’ll have to live with it. If you don’t believe in reincarnation, at least it won’t haunt you beyond the grave.

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