Marysville Falls, Marysville

Brandon.Peters ha aggiunto una foto al pool:

Marysville Falls, Marysville

Went back to a a favourite spot this evening as I wanted to re-take a shot I had done earlier and get a wider angle. I kinda miss shooting waterfalls and I think I need to do some more exploring 😛

I have been thinking lately about how much we are missing out on what God really has to offer. We rarely seem make the sacrifices to God where He was best known for doing His incredible work. It seems like things such as all-night prayers and fasting are rarely done. We get so busy with things that we think we have to do that we don’t take the time to properly honour God. I can’t help but think that if Jesus came back today the excuses we would have for not fully devoting ourselves to God would seem so pitiful. I don’t mean this to be a bummer message but it is so frustrating because, and I think that all Christian can agree, that God is capable of amazing things and that life is so better when we are living in His glory. God wants so bad for us to be bright shining lights in the world and it just feels like our light is dampened because we don’t take these essential steps of faith.<br />

"Whoever tries to live right and be loyal finds life, success, and honour."
-Proverbs 21:21

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