They came for me, I had to go, though I would never make you cry, why me, why now we’ll never know, still I’ll be there above the sky.

Snow Red ha aggiunto una foto al pool:

They came for me, I had to go, though I would never make you cry, why me, why now we'll never know, still I'll be there above the sky.

This photo I dedicate to all of you, who have lost someone near you, let that be your friend, relative, coworker … Especially I am dedicating this one to my dear friend who had just lost her father. We all pray for him and the ones he had left behind in tears.<br />

I used to consider death as something normal. I don’t any more. Death is the only thing you cannot fix. The only way with no return. The only final frontier. The only border we all cross. I also had lost my father 6 years ago in a car accident and since then … I think I’ve grown a lot more than most other teenagers should. I know more than the things I have written. Death cannot be fixed – but it can fix you and the people around you, as they start seeing the world differently, they stop worrying about the little things and enjoy the big ones. It is the only way with no return, but only for you – your dearest come with you all the way to the border and make you come back in their memories. The final frontier it is also – and the ultimate start. Death is not necessarily bad for everyone, although we may not see it this way. I am not glad my dad died, he had showed me so much, given me so much, but death still does not scare me. It made me a better person, as I am here to continue his trip towards good. But after all this years, I am still not okay with him being gone – better I am, better I will be. Okay I was when he still was here.

Sometimes love really never dies.

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