Genova Piazza De Ferrari 2011-07-22 085804_hdr_filtered

AnZanov ha aggiunto una foto al pool:

Genova Piazza De Ferrari 2011-07-22 085804_hdr_filtered

July 22nd was one of my favourite "HDR-mornings". My train was 10 minutes early, the light was amazing and the sky was perfect.

Press "L" to view it on Black

Camera: Nikon D5000
Lens: Sigma 8-16mm f/4.5-5.6 DC (8 mm)
ISO 200; f/10

HDR from single RAW file
Processed with Photomatix Pro (manual deghosting)
Noise reduction with Noiseware Professional
Curve correction with GIMP.
Resizing and watermark with Fastone resizer

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