Disturbed and perturbed

Rocky Pix ha aggiunto una foto al pool:

Disturbed and perturbed

Did the rushing water give you a buzz? Let’s slow the water WAAAY down? The breezes were just enough to create lightly reflecting waves and broken clouds, sky and tree reflections skittering about. I tried to eliminate everything other than river ripples. I really like this set of reflections; conditions were 10-4 and I was carrying my longer zoom. I had not trekked around Golden Ponds in a week, but I needed to get out from behind my monitor. I have less tolerance for sitting on bright days. Yet here I sit, editing waiting for evening for the carney to rev up. Recently we are still graced by 90 degree days but we were are getting cooler nights. I need to wring more days from this August though I have hundreds or thousands of edits awaiting. Well, the scientists said last year was the warmest on record, world wide: we have already arrived at the forecast climate change. I watched the Portland crew trying to bottle up the Shell icebreaker. Really! An icebreaker in the Arctic? Didn’t Shell read this winter’s forecasts? I don’t think the Fox Media advertising is doing the job. Let’s hope their believers get whacked first! I believe that weather will become the largest voting block.<br />

I usually look to see what the sky is doing and if I can manage to look, I found a great sky reflected in the stream yesterday. And how many shots have I already captured at the Park? These geese and other water fowl decided to churn through some of my reflection shots just after I set up the monopod and camera to shoot the water reflections. I love the saturations of the foliage . This shot screams peace in the St.Vrain Valley. Imagine whirled peas!

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