Want to try out macOS Touch Bar from an iPad? Here’s how.

Want to try out the Touch Bar without picking up a new MacBook Pro? You’re in luck. There is an iPad hack out there that lets you try out the Touch Bar.

You will need 2 things:

  1. iPad with Xcode installed, and
  2. Mac updated to run macOS Sierra build version

Once you have both devices ready, head over to the Touch Bar Demo App’s Github page and download the application to your Mac. When the download is complete, extract the downloaded ZIP file and place it into your Applications folder.

As the iPad does not support the Touch Bar natively, you’re going to have to rely on Xcode to install the application.

Your next move is to install the Touch Bar onto your iPad. Open the TouchBar.xcodeproj folder on your Mac, connect your iOS device to your Mac, and select the TouchBarClient target and the iPad.

TouchBarClient on ipad

If done correctly, your iPad will now have a Touch Bar application. Launching it will bring you to a mostly blank screen with the Touch Bar located at the bottom of the screen.

You can now use the Touch Bar on your iPad and see the changes on your Mac (check it out in this video right here).

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