2019-09-9-19 sbsf ume

fredtruck ha aggiunto una foto al pool:

2019-09-9-19 sbsf ume

When I took my ume (prunus mume contorta) to the U.S. Nationals in 2012, quite a few people noticed the deadwood in the interior of the tree. Some suggested I strip the bark off and do the lime sulphur routine, producing white deadwood.

I could see a couple problems with this approach right away. For one thing, the deadwood I had was very fine twigs. Probably someone else could strip the bark off without destroying the twigs, but it wasn’t me. I kept the deadwood in place on my ume and went on.<br />

Finally, this spring, I decided to do something about it. I tried an acrylic paint called Pearlescent white, but it actually made the deadwood look like aluminum. I mixed it with Mars Black, and this produced a better result except it was basically invisible. Finally, I tried a mixture of Mars Black and Black Mica. This acrylic has flecks of mica in it. It was visible, but only at a fairly close range and under pretty intense sunlight. Not bad—I thought, but I wondered how it would photograph.

Today, I defoliated my tree as I usually do in September, and then made this stereogram. With the right processing, I found the Black Mica acrylic became quite visible, showing as white lines where the deadwood twigs are.

Traditionalists will probably not like my approach to the problem but, since my ume is black anyway, and the deadwood I remember as a child from the plum tree across the street was black, and not white, I am happy with this solution, at least for now.

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