Zen teaching before the meditation session

PeterThoeny ha aggiunto una foto al pool:

Zen teaching before the meditation session

On Saturdays I like to join a Zen meditation class at Hakone Gardens, a Japanese garden in Saratoga, California. We meditate in a traditional Japanese house with tatami floors made of straw.

I processed a paintery, a balanced, and a photographic HDR photo from three RAW exposures, carefully adjusted the color balance and curves, reduced the color saturation, and added a pinch of sepia. I welcome and appreciate constructive feedback.

Thank you for visiting – ❤ with gratitude! Fave if you like it, add comments below, like the Facebook page, order beautiful HDR prints at qualityHDR.com.

— ƒ/5.0, 16 mm, 1/60 sec, ISO 400, Sony A6000, SEL-P1650, HDR, 3 RAW exposures, _DSC3552_3_4_hdr3pai5bal1pho1g.jpg
— CC BY-NC-SA 4.0, © Peter Thoeny, Quality HDR Photography

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