Closed StarGate Opens Portal To Sun Through Gnarly Tree’s Branches In Backcountry Florida – IMRAN™

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Closed StarGate Opens Portal To Sun Through Gnarly Tree's Branches In Backcountry Florida - IMRAN™

Closed StarGate Opens Portal To Sun Through Gnarly Tree’s Branches In Backcountry Florida – IMRAN™
There have been many times in my life when I am driving down a road or highway and caught a sight which I have literally pulled over or driven around to go back and photograph. Many other times that has not been possible, especially on busy winding roads or even fast moving expressways. As I explored a previously unseen part of rustic Ruskin, Florida, this fairly cool Sunday on the first of March in 2020, out of the corner of my eye I thought I saw light from the setting sun seem to frame a dilapidated gate on a backcountry piece of land. I had to do a three point turn on the narrow but desolate road. I stepped out the car, with Kennedy watching and wondering why I could put my mark (at least on the photo of) the spot and he could not do his own version of marking territory on the gorgeous gnarly tree, the rusty gate, the aging posts, the glowing grass, and the fallen leaves. Look closely, and you will see how much of a 3D effect this simple 2D photo looks. I created it by taking 5 iPhone 11 Pro Max photos to maximize the detail in this panorama, which I reduced form 260MB to 23MB to make it manageable and shareable. <br />

© 2020 IMRAN™

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