I’m gonna be a pilot when I grow up

PeterThoeny ha aggiunto una foto al pool:

I'm gonna be a pilot when I grow up

Last weekend we went to the NASA Ames Research Center to attend the GoFly event, where teams from around the world displayed their flying motorcycles, hoverboards, human drones and more. The USAF had a Sikorsky HH-60 Pave Hawk on display. Kids loved to explore it, including me.

I processed a balanced and a photographic HDR photo from two RAW exposures, merged them selectively, and carefully adjusted the color balance and curves. I welcome and appreciate constructive comments.

Thank you for visiting – ♡ with gratitude! Fave if you like it, add comments below, like the Facebook page, order beautiful HDR prints at qualityHDR.com.

— ƒ/4.0, 12 mm, 1/200 sec, ISO 160, Sony A7 II, Rokinon 12mm F2.8, HDR, 2 RAW exposures, _DSC5762_3_hdr2bal1pho1c.jpg
— CC BY-NC-SA 4.0, © Peter Thoeny, Quality HDR Photography

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