Midnight Sun HDR Panorama

Xraijs_ ha aggiunto una foto al pool:

Midnight Sun HDR Panorama

This photograph is taken when the sun just went below the horizon, only to come back up a few minutes later. This is basically as dark as it gets up in northern Sweden in summer.

Have a look at another photo from this sunset.

Me and my cousin went up on a small mountain and captured this spectacular landscape a few years ago. I haven’t been able to upload the photo because… I have never been able to put it all together. Neither of our gaming rig-PCs could handle the sheer amount of pixels on the same time.

That said, with a touch of 2011 Apple technology – it finally came to life.

This, then, is a 3-step HDR panorama with 14 photos in width. In other words, you’re looking at a photograph that took 42 exposures to create!


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